Helm is a "working", professional musician.
Meaning, he composes, produces and creates music
every day of his life. He also works as a Minister
of Music at a local church providing music to
inspire spirits! His love for music was apparent
to Elvis when they first got together at the studio
to create their first work "All In A Dream".
Howard immediately
captured Elvis' ideas and went to work unveiling
the first of many wonderful music compositions
from TranceLand™ Productions. Howard's style
of communication and his ability to interpret
his customer's desires and needs, along with his
"straight-forward approach", sets him
apart as an outstanding composer, musician and
producer. And he's a really nice guy too!
He will take to
heart your needs and come forth with a melody,
instrumentals and even vocals if you so desire.
He is not bashful to share his talents. They are
truly mesmerizing.
Elvis knew when
he watched Howard work that it was time to bring
to life what TranceLand™ was destined for...
deep, entrancing and life-changing works of art
that have behind them a science of trance-formation.
With Elvis' unmatched
set of skills, you will find a change artist and
an aspiring musician along with someone who knows
how to produce, time and again, exquisite pieces
that create just the right mix and blend of resources
for his audience.
Call upon Elvis
and Howard. Call upon them to assist you and to
support you in your musical endeavors. They are
here to offer their services in the spirit of
sharing their passion, their second loves... knowing
of course that they are, first of all, committed
family men. :>) Although their wives have been
known to wonder sometimes as they are often totally
committed, consumed and immersed in their works
of arts!
Let us know how
we can be of assistance. We are here to serve!
to TranceLand™!

Care of Trance... In A Flash!